Jet Set Combo #3 - Jet Set & Jumbo Jets

$ 31.50

Jet Set

Fly the skies of Europe! Soar from city to city, creating an interconnected web of air routes to satisfy customer demands. As your airline grows, you will be adding more and more valuable flights to your schedule. Manage your money carefully, and be prepared when Vacation time comes around, and you could end up ruling the airways!

How to Play

Spend money to place your airplanes on key airlinks between cities. The first to place an airplane on a link gains the rights to that link, but other players can still pay to use it. Flight cards show the consumer demand for flights between cities. When you have a continuous path of airlinks between the cities, you can claim the Flight card, adding that flight to your schedule. Longer flights are worth more points, but the short flights are easier (and less expensive) to achieve, and they bring in just as much income as the long flights. At the end, the player with the most valuable collection of flights on his schedule wins Jet Set!


Expansion set #2 - Jumbo Jets

Dominate international jet travel by offering what others can't. Jumbo Jets - Jet Set Expansion #2 adds five new ways to improve your Jet Set gaming experience.

Jumbo Jets is not stand-alone game. You must own Jet Set in order to play.

2-6 Players

90-120 Minutes

Ages: 12+

Languages: English, French, & German